Grounding Exercise to Calm the Mind

The mind is incredible in its ability to carry us away into creative, imaginative spaces. Sometimes, the mind can also pull us into a less beautiful whirlwind of emotions: sadness, fear, anxiety, anger, numbness.

Let’s check in with ourselves.

We’ll begin with 3 deep and cleansing breaths. The opening inhale bringing in nourishing, loving nutrient-rich oxygen as it quenches our body. The exhale disposing of anything within us that is no longer serving us.

You don’t have to think about anything specific. The air serves as a vehicle that transports cleansing energy in and out of the body. Feel the old energy leaving your body allowing space for new energy to take its place.

Take more breathes if you like, and soften your gaze if you have not already. Plant your feet (or tush, if you are sitting on the floor) to the ground. Imagine your feet (and/or base of spine) begin to go roots that push its way into the ground and into the center of the earth. You are now firmly planted into the ground.

If your mind begins to pull you away from the earth, it’s okay. Continue to breathe. Recognize those thoughts and honor any emotions that may be attached to those thoughts. Now, one-by-one release those thoughts into space, as your roots grow stronger and keep you firmly in place.

If you are standing, allow your body to naturally sway. Like a tree dancing with the breeze, you will not fall because you are rooted deep into the earth. Enjoy this space that you have created for yourself and just be. Stay as long as you like.

***If you’d like, you can try this exercise outside on the grass, or sand.***

Incorporating Books into Your Daily Routine

Books are a great tool to use to help motivate ourselves for a productive day. How many of us have fallen into the habit of looking to our phones in the morning to help us wake up; or scrolling through social media as we wind down for sleep. Not only is this habit one that can actually reduce our minds for a productive day, the blue light emitting from our screens has been found to reduce the quality of our sleep. As we all know, quality sleep is essential for a quality life.

A helpful way to avoid this habit is to replace your phone with a book. Something inspiring that will lift your spirits up in the morning is a refreshing way to start the day. Find what gets you excited about life and will get you out of bed. Some may find inspiration in passages of a religious text, others perhaps a book of poems, maybe even a book of recipes. With all the self-help books out there, there is a plethora of choices. Whatever topics you find enjoyable and stimulating will surely motivate you to get out of bed and begin your day.

As you prepare your mind for sleep, enjoy a soothing and mindless read. Just like a child enjoying a bedtime story as they snooze off into dreamland, read yourself something relaxing as you prepare for sleep. Maybe you find relaxation from reading a novel, possibly a magazine, or even a textbook.

So go on and put your phone on “Do not disturb” before bed and and try out at a book instead. Your brain and body will thank you.