Getting to Know Yourself

“Self-care: the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. “ -Oxford Dictionary

Whether you are a parent, spouse, teacher, mentor, etc., at the end of the day the most important person in your life is yourself. Let’s reflect on this. If your needs are not met, how can you expect to meet the needs of those around you? Sometimes it is difficult to figure out what exactly it is that we need, or what brings us peace. The important first step in practicing self care is self-exploration. Taking the time to quietly be with yourself may be a challenge at first however with patience, you will reap the rewards.

Meditation is a great way to center oneself, quiet the noise in our heads, and listen/see things with our mind’s eye. Meditation does not always require one to sit and close their eyes, meditation can come in different forms. Even the simple act of sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, or drinking a cup of tea can be a form of meditation. The importance is the act of intention and quality of conscious awareness. You may find meditation to be an ever-evolving practice. Having a routine is helpful but may not work for everybody. Patiently discover what works best for you. Though simple to learn, meditation takes a lifetime to master.

Journaling has proven to help clear the mind and learn about the depths of oneself. Journaling first thing in the morning and free-writing can be incredibly peaceful. Allow the pen to flow out thoughts, words, ideas, or even scribbles. You may surprise yourself. Some people like to set a timer and then write, while others free-write until they fill a page. Do what works for you.

For those who may feel cramped with time, a quick self-check-in is a beneficial way to learn about yourself. Take in a few cleansing breaths, noticing any areas that hold tension. Intentional breathing is a quick and easy way to relax the body and mind. Ask yourself, how are my energy levels right at this moment? How am I currently feeling, and if I am feeling any intense emotion, can I let that go for the moment? Have I eaten? Have I allowed time for myself to eat? Have I showered? Is my body hydrated? Am I clenching my teeth or straining my forehead? Am I breathing? Of course, you are breathing, but are you breathing properly? Sometimes we can be unconsciously restricting oxygen from properly entering our bodies, adding unknown stress to our sacred machine. Practicing this when you wake up, before going to bed, and throughout the day will surely improve the quality of your day-to-day life.

Whether it is diving into the depths of silence as you explore your inner world or a brief daily check-in, finding ways to learn about your essential self is a radical first step to self-care. Be kind to yourself and bring this practice into your life at your own pace. This journey is yours.