Massage and body awareness

The art of massage therapy has a plethora of benefits. One of the many benefits that our clients express is the integration of their mind and body when experiencing a massage. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, an accumulation of stressors that we experience and may not even realize, can bring our mind out of our body. This separation of the body from the mind can negatively effect our mental state and eventually manifest into physical ailments. Through massage we can finally give ourselves the space to let go and fall back into our body and allow it to regenerate itself. During the massage, we encourage clients to really check in with their body and really feel what’s going on. Which areas feel tight and tense? Which area feels disconnected and forgotten about? Many times during a session clients find areas where they have been holding tension that they had not realize until they receive bodywork. By gaining the knowledge of what’s going on in their own bodies they can bring this awareness when carrying onto their daily lives. Always give thanks to the body that unconditionally carries and nurtures you!
