Moisturizing as an Act of Self-Love

Of course it is routine to apply lotion on our bodies after taking a nice hot shower or bath. But how about moisturizing ourselves with the intentional act of self-love?

When putting on lotion on our bodies, it is an act of love and care as we do it to protect our skin and keep it plump and nourished. Let’s turn the self-love up a notch with mindful, intentional application with loving, kind words with each stroke.

Begin by rubbing the lotion between your hands and saying aloud or in your head, “Thank you lotion for nourishing and protecting my body.” Now, apply the lotion to your legs and with each stroke acknowledge gratitude to your legs. For example, “Thank you for working hard today.” You can also compliment them, for example, “My legs are so soft and strong.”

And as you move to your buttocks, arms, torso, chest, neck, back, etc say something kind to yourself about each part of your body.

Be creative and enjoy this meditative act of self love as you moisturize your beautiful body.

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Baby Yourself

“I love the kind of hugs where you can feel the sadness leaving your body.”

To quote Langston Hughes, “Life ain’t no crystal stair.” Sometimes it is necessary to treat yourself like a baby, especially on days when the loads of life are feeling especially heavy.

So you are having a bad day. Perhaps you feel like screaming or throwing a tantrum. Or maybe just hiding under the covers and let out a good cry. Let’s access ourselves as if we are accessing a crying baby.

Are you eating well?

When was the last time that you ate? Was your last meal satiating and nourishing?

Have you slept? Are you feeling well-rested?

Never underestimate the healing powers of sleep. Sometimes a quick 5, 10, 15- minute cat nap could be just what is needed to recharge.

How is your hygiene?

By this I would like you to evaluate not only your physical hygiene, but your spiritual hygiene. It is remarkable how a negative encounter with someone can weigh on us even if we do not realize. Take a shower or bath to wash not only your physical body but your energetic body as well.

Are you hydrated?

Water is LIFE.

Do you need a treat?

Sometimes it is okay to indulge on a bowl of ice cream or buy yourself something nice (responsibly of course). Even treating yourself with a nice cozy movie night at the end of the day can uplift your mood or give you something to look forward to.

Do you need a hug or a soothing touch?

Physical touch can seem like a far away fantasy now with the fears of the novel virus that has changed our world. Especially those who live alone, the need for physical touch may be neglected. As humans, we are physical creatures who need physical touch for a quality life. Try these different suggestions to provide yourself with a soothing touch:

  • Place your hand on your heart

  • Cup your cheeks with the palms of your hand

  • Give yourself a hug

  • Lovingly caress one hand with the other

Please do take care of yourself, and don’t neglect the child that lives within you.